"Viewing war is not the same as understanding it". Por outras palavras, informação não é necessariamente conhecimento. É esta a ideia de um texto publicado por Jack Fuller no Chicago Tribune, que merece leitura. Um excerto: "In covering a war -- or anything else -- a journalist gathers information and misinformation and attempts to verify the essential facts. Turning that coverage into a news report, the journalist sticks to what he or she has verified and then adds a context in which the facts can be understood.(...). What is lacking in so much of the instantaneous coverage is verification and historical context, the things that turn coverage into reporting. (...). In the absence of context, the story of the war that reaches us seems less the story of battle than of a political campaign: the manipulation of expectation and images by all sides; the speculation on how these created expectations and images will affect the course of battle, as if it were an election. (...)".
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