Silenciado ... na Internet Acaba de ser publicado um importante relatório internacional sobre censura e controlo da Internet. É da responsabilidade da Privacy International and the GreenNet Educational Trust, com o apoio da Open Society Institute (OSI). Entre as largas dezenas de países analisados, Portugal praticamente fica de fora. É referenciado uma única vez, de forma sumária. Os parágrafos iniciais do prefácio: "The Internet is living through interesting times. No communications and information medium in history has endures such a continued and varied assault on its functioning and its infrastructure. This is particularly true since the 11th September 2001. Few governments have resisted the opportunity in the past two years to enact laws restricting a range of civil rights. The Internet is seen by many of these governments as a potential threat to security and authority. The backlash is predictable. Governments and their agencies have traditionally viewed new technologies with suspicion, arguing that their presence can disturb the hard-won “balance” of rights and responsibilities, in the same way that large companies have traditionally viewed any new media as a threat to the balance of their markets. Unconventional forms of publishing and speech challenge conventional ways of conducting business and governing society. Historically, only an exceptionally small and forward-looking group of companies and government agencies take advantage of new media. Others resist their implementation, and attempt to use legal mechanisms to frustrate access to such technologies and techniques." (Dica de Ponto Media)
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