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Derrick de Kerckhove na Universidade do Minho
Derrick de Kerckhove, director do McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology e Professor da Universidade de Toronto, vem proferir uma conferência a convite da Reitoria da Universidade do Minho no próximo dia 16, pelas 15 horas, no âmbito da evocação do 30º aniversário da instituição . A conferência de Kerckhove inscreve-se igualmente na mudança de imagem institucional que a UM vai apresentar a partir do dia 17, dia do aniversário propriamente dito. A vinda deste "guru" da comunicação e dos novos media constituirá igualmente uma oportunidade para contactos com os investigadores do Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade.
Derrick de Kerckhove possui um vast?ssimo curr?culo, de que se destaca o trabalho que desenvolveu com Marshall McLuhan ao longo de dez anos. Do seu currículo salienta-se:
"He edited 'Understanding 1984' (UNESCO, 1984) and co-edited with Amilcare Iannucci, 'McLuhan e la metamorfosi dell'uomo' (Bulzoni, 1984) two collections of essays on McLuhan, culture, technology and biology. He also co-edited with Charles Lumsden The Alphabet and the Brain (Springer Verlag, 1988), a book which scientifically assesses the impact of the Western alphabet on the physiology and the psychology of human cognition. Another publication, La civilisation vid?o-chrétienne appeared in France in December, 1990 and in Italy the following year (Feltrinelli, 1991). Brainframes: Technology, Mind and Business (Bosch & Keuning, 1991) addresses the differences between the effects of television, computers and hypermedia on corporate culture, business practices and economic markets. The Skin of Culture (Somerville Press, 1995) is a collection of essays on the new electronic reality which stayed on Canadian best-sellers lists for several months. It was translated in a dozen languages including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Polish and Slovenian [e português: A pele da cultura. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água, 1997]. Connected Intelligence (Somerville, 1997) introduced his research on new media and cognition (em portugu?s: A inteligência Conectiva: Lisboa, FDTI, 1998). His latest book The Architecture of Intelligence was first issued in Dutch in December 2000, and in English (June 2001), Italian and German in September 2001. (...)
Derrick de Kerckhove has offered connected intelligence workshops worldwide, and now offers this innovative approach to business, government and academe to help small groups to think together in a disciplined and effective way while using digital technologies. (...)Derrick de Kerckhove has participated in the preparation and brainstorming sessions for the plans for: the Ontario Pavilion at Expo '92 in Seville, the Canada in Space exhibit, and the Toronto Broadcast Centre for the CBC. He is now involved in plans for a major exhibit on Canada and Modernism at the Cit? des sciences et de lindustrie in Paris for 2004 and was member of the cultural committee of Torontos bid for the Olympics in 2008."
Alguns textos do autor:
- The Internet Enters Television, A Trojan Horse in The Public Mind
- McLuhan and the Toronto School of Communication
- A Theory of Greek Tragedy
- Connected Communities: Real Bodies - Virtual Connections
- Network Art and Virtual Communities
- What is Paper Good At?
- What Would McLuhan Say? (entrevista ? Wired)
- Internet: a hora do desencanto
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