A brutalidade das imagens Steve Outing aborda, no E-MediaTidbits, as opçoes editoriais e éticas inerentes à divulgaçao de imagens de violência extrema, como as captadas há dias em Falluja (Iraque), quando quatro cidadaos norte-americanos foram mortos, queimados, decepados e dependurados numa ponte: "There's always debate about horrifying images being displayed in media. And it's increasingly common for news websites to run photos that push the boundaries of acceptability -- to publish when other media wouldn't dare. The argument is that online you can put up a warning that something horrifying is beyond the next click; someone sensitive isn't going to be surprised to see a disturbing photo as with newspapers and TV." Um exemplo dado por Outing: o site do Washington Post fez preceder um dossier de imagens sobre o assunto (refo´çado por avisos idênticos para as fotos mais impressionantes), de uma nota editorial: "Some images in this gallery may be disturbing due to their graphic or violent nature".
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