O telemóvel e o canivete suiço
Um artigo no Wall Street Journal de hoje (acesso por assinatura) sustenta que à medida que as tecnologias se articulam, convergem e se fundem, os telemóveis apresentam "uma vantagem decisiva" sobre muitos outros aparelhos e tecnologias de comunicação, tonando-se, cada vez mais uma espécie de canivetes suiços. Argumentos: "People typically carry them wherever they go, unlike laptop computers, MP3players or digital cameras. As a result, cellphones have become products onwhich all sorts of industries want to attach their wares and services. Several factors are making such these attachments possible and attractive. For one thing, cellphone network coverage has improved, even in rural areas, to the extent that building cellphone headsets into ski jackets and motorcycle helmets has become attractive. The second factor is new technology such as a short-distance wireless system called Bluetooth, which enables cellphone users to don headphones that connect to their phones without cords. Third, better digital networks and improvements in the software inside cellphones have made the phones much more powerful and capable of handling an assortment of accessories. And finally, prices are coming down, turning the latest high-end features into mass-market offerings within months [SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Christopher Rhoads ]
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