O jornal The New York Times cita hoje uma entrevista dada por Walter CronKite à CNN, na qual o famoso ex-"anchorman" da CBS confessa continuar a ter frequentemente pena de não estar em funções, sobretudo em momentos especiais. Mas aquilo de que teria mesmo gostado era de ter sido editor: "Daily, I miss not being on the air, but I miss the managing editor role of helping set the agenda, if you please. Deciding what is the more important story ... what is the story most likely to affect our viewing audience -- the American people, in our case. This is the highest journalistic calling. And I miss it". Mais adiante, Cronkite sublinha a referência de natureza ética que nele deixou um editor local que ia dar graciosamente aulas de jornalismo ao liceu que ele frequentava: "(...) I'm very proud, I think I have a very keenly developed journalistic ethic. I had very good mentors, beginning in high school. I was lucky enough to be in high school, which at an early age when most high schools didn't have journalism teachers or journalism courses, I had an old city editor from a local paper who donated his time to teach us journalism. And he was -- he had journalism in his gut. And he just was so firm on honesty, impartiality, lack of prejudice and accuracy. It was embedded in me. And I was lucky enough in my college and then in my very early jobs to have that kind of a mentor."
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