Encontrei, no E-Media Tidbits, o link para o weblog de Jay Rosen, professor no departamento de jornalismo da Universidade de Nova Iorque. O blog chama-se PressThink. Logo a abrir, uma entrevista com Michelle Nicolosi, editora da Online Journalismo Review. Acerca da relação entre weblogs e jornalismo, Nicolosi diz: Let’s change the question: Is any original reporting and writing happening at independent publications online? Yes, some. When people who have worked as reporters or editors at mainstream publications become independent online publishers, the results can be good. Independent online publishers develop “authority” the same way offline publications and broadcast stations do: They prove over time that they are reliable — that they have good news judgment, that they get it right, that they are a competent guide to issues that are important and interesting to their readers.
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