Outros tempos
Uma exposição de motivos de ilustração de livros para a infância da ex-URSS, dos anos 20 e 30, está disponível online, por iniciativa das bibliotecas da McGill University. Com base na exploração de mais de 350 desses livros, é possívelç observar as influências da revolução russa neste domínio da cultura, as concepções estéticas dominantes e a diversidade temática. "Diagonal layouts introduced a simultaneous representation of contents and often used photomontage as a succinct expression of the narrative text. The emblematic use of red and black as dominant colours linked the children's material closely to the publishing output at large. Since more than 100 nationalities live within the fifteen former republics of the USSR, the variety of languages in which children's books were published is nothing short of astonishing. While Russian was the official language of the Union, children's books published in Ukrainian, Uzbek, Tartar, Kazakh, Azerbaidzhani, Armenian, Georgian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, lakutian, Nanaian and other languages are well represented in the McGill collection".
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