Blogtalk 2.0 Já está marcada para Julho de 2004 , em data a anunciar, a segunda conferência europeia sobre weblogs, de novo em Viena de Aústria. É organizada pelo Center for New Media da Danube University Krems. Na sequência do sucesso que constituiu a primeira, esta propõe-se encetar o "dialog between bloggers, developers, researchers and others who share, enjoy and analyse the benefits of blogging. The focus is on weblogs as an expression of a culture based on the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge. In the spirit of the free exchange of opinions, links and thoughts we wish to engage a wide range of participants from the blogosphere in this discourse." Eis a lista de tópicos sobre os quais a organização aceita propostas de papers:
- weblog applications tools - monitoring the blogosphere - blogging in an enterprise environment - weblogs and knowledge management - blogosphere and emergent systems - weblogs as a medium: senders, users and audiences - weblogs as texts: genres, styles and aesthetics - weblogs in the social sciences: history, statistics and case studies - weblogs in cultural studies: uses, rewards and meanings - metaphors of blogging and blogger - political impact using the weblog format - weblogs and journalism - weblogs in educational settings - rss and other standards in the blogosphere - ...(via eCuaderno)
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