Tendências e prognósticos para 2004 A agência de comunicação Euro RSCG Worldwide acaba de divulgar algumas tendências para o ano que se aproxima, elaboradas pela sua equipa STAR (Strategic Trendspotting and Research), a qual refere ter-se baseado num painel espalhado por 75 países: - Going Local - Us vs. Them - Rise of the Singletons - Self-Gifting - Catering to Metrosexuals - Anti-Globesity Campaigns - Blogging - Google Bombing and Further Politicization of the Internet - Executive Coaches. Sobre os blogs, refere o "release" da agência: "2003 was the year in which weblogging -- a.k.a. blogging -- really took hold, with an estimated 3 million sites worldwide. In 2004, we'll see more buzz marketing via blogs, as marketers figure out ways to use this new medium for their own means."
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