Blogs geram tensao nas redaccoes "When Journalists Blog, Editors Get Nervous", titula Steve Outing um texto seu na Editor & Publisher. Nele analisa como os weblogs se estao a converter num ponto de conflito nas redacçoes dos EUA. Há, porém, uma grande diversidade de atitudes e de comportamentos, sendo cada vez mais os meios de comunicaçao que inscrevem os blogs no quadro da sua estratégia de interactividade com os utilizadopres da informaçao que produzem. Ficam aqui os parágrafos iniciais de Outing: "When I set out to write a column about staff journalists who write Web logs in their spare time, I found that there are two principal types of employed journalist bloggers: 1. Those who are very careful about what they blog, never getting too controversial and seldom expressing opinions. Their employers know what they're doing and support them as long as they don't do anything that might put the news organization in a bad light. 2. Those who feel stymied by their media-company employers from writing what they want -- who look at the larger blog world and feel annoyed at their managers because they're not allowed such freedom of expression.(...)"
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