Preocupaçao pela qualidade no jornalismo É interessante a leitura de "Improving Editorial Quality from the Top Down", de Rick Edmonds, no site do Apreenta um conjunto de programas de alguns grupos jornalísticos norte-americanos, que procuram melhorar a qualidade editorial. Dois parágrafos, a propósito das actividades do grupo Knight Ridder, neste domínio: "Asked if the Knight Ridder program was a straddle between the notion that the reader is king and an old-fashioned model that held journalists were the best judges of good journalism, Jerry Ceppos, the company's vice president/news replied, "Exactly. That's your nut graf." The programs also suggest a revision to the common newsroom grumble that the corporate bosses only care about the bottom line. Many think they have some good ideas for improving editorial quality as well."
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