Prós e contras da proximidade no jornalismo John Hatcher, no, escreve sobre a proximidade que o jornalismo comunitário tem com os seus leitores, e os efeitos (positivos e negativos) que essa convivência acarreta. Aqui fica um excerto do artigo "Community Journalism: Nowhere to Hide": "Whether your community is a college campus, a small town with one traffic light, or a neighborhood in one of the nation's most populated and diverse cities, if you're connecting with your readers then you're already aware of the power your words can have in both constructive and destructive ways. Unlike larger newspapers with security guards at the front desks and offices sometimes far outside the communities they cover, community journalists are accountable to their readers because they live and work alongside them. So, when we mess up, we can expect to hear about it. At the grocery store. At the soccer meeting. Sometimes, at the front door of our homes".
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