Abrandamento Nos próximos tempos, o ritmo de actualização do J&C abrandará um pouco. Primeiro pela ausência no Brasil, para participar na conferência internacional da IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research), com uma comunicação preparada com a Helena Sousa, sobre o tema "The Economics of Public Service Television and the Citizenship Rhetoric". Depois, devido às férias. Fica o resumo da comunicação em Porto Alegre: ?The increasing participation of citizens in the definition and implementation of the Public Service Broadcasting channels has been presented by several authors as the way forward for the uncertain non-commercial television sector. Facing fierce competition and financially stretched, PSB operators face the redefinition of their traditional role. Depending generically from the governments and/or from regulatory bodies, the reconfiguration of public televisions is perceived as an inevitability and the participatory argument has been integrated in political discourses. The Portuguese PSB, Radiotelevisão Portuguesa (RTP), is no exception to this general framework. Neglected by the socialists (in power from 1996 to 2002) and unable to solve its enormous debt, RTP was just there to be redesigned by the conservative government in office since 2002. Indeed, the current executive perceived the restructuring of RTP as a major political goal. In the strategic document «New Options for the Audiovisual Sector» (2002), the government clarified its intention to reduce the existing two national generalist public service channels to only one. RTP1 was to remain as a generalist channel whilst RTP2 was to be handed out to civil society. According to the government this channel, provisionally called «Civil Society channel» would be a medium of «direct communication and relationship between different partners and the public, without the state intermediation». However, so far RTP2, (renamed A Dois) is still far from any consistent participatory model but the government has already managed to substantially reduce costs. This article aims to demonstrate the deep difference between political promise and political delivery. As far as the rhetoric went, citizens had the centre-stage in this new participatory model but as far as reality can show up to now it is economics rather than citizenry that is at the very heart of the new strategy."
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