Formação de jornalistas e e-learning O Poynter Institute e a News University encomendaram um estudo sobre a formação adicional ("training") de jornalistas. Os resultados obtidos são muito interessantes: "Journalists want training, especially young journalists, those with less than ten years of experience, who say overwhelmingly - 82 percent of them - that they would personally benefit 'very much' from additional training". (...) "Results indicate they seek a range of skills and are interested in various forms of learning, including a yearning for more access to e-learning. They want to grow to improve their performance in their current jobs". E os maiores obstáculos sentidos pelos jornalistas na obtenção de formação adicional resumem-se em três palavras: "Time. Money. Accessibility". O estudo destaca ainda o potencial apresentado por ferramentas de e-learning neste processo.
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