Duas novas revistas de comunicação "The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics" e "International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media" - assim se intitulam duas novas revistas científicas que começam a publicar-se em 2005, através da Intellect Books. "The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics" "is committed to analyzing the politics of communications and cultural processes. It addresses cultural politics in their local, international and global dimensions, recognizing equallythe importance of issues defined by their specific cultural geography and those which run across cultures and nations. The content focus will be critical, in-depth analysis and engaged research of the intersections of sociology, politics, cultural studies and media studies with the aim of keeping academic analysis in dialogue with the practical world of communications, culture and politics". "International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media" "is a new interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal which will draw contributions from a wide range of researchers and practitioners who are placed at the rapidly developing interface of new technologies with performance arts. The Journal will as a forum to energise innovative and creative thinking and practice surrounding the combination of digital technologies with the performance arts (theatre, dance, music, live art). Disciplines may be domain-specific or in convergence. The journal actively encourages debate and cross-disciplinary exchange of a broad range of approaches surrounding the use of new media and information technologies in the creation and implementation of performances. Such debate may extend into associated implications teaching and research at undergraduate and postgraduate level".
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