A Internet daqui a dez anos
O Pew Internet Project enviou, em Setembro passado, um questionário a uma extensa lista de peritos, analistas e académicos relacionados com a internet sobre o futuro deste novo meio e ambiente de comunicação, de que obteve 1286 respostas. O resultado do tratamento das respostas consta de um novo documento acabado de sair, intitulado "The Future of the Internet". Algumas das conclusões:
- - "This survey finds there is a strong across-the-board consensus that the internet will become so important to users in the coming decade that the network itself will become an inviting target for attack".
- - "The internet will be more deeply integrated in our physical environments and high-speed connections will proliferate ? with mixed results".
- - "In the emerging era of the blog, experts believe the internet will bring yet more dramatic change to the news and publishing worlds. They predict the least amount of change to religion".
- - "Experts are both in awe and in frustration about the state of the internet. They celebrate search technology, peer-to-peer networks, and blogs; they bemoan institutions that have been slow to change."
Ler, a propósito deste documento, na CNet News.com: The Net's future? It depends on whom you ask.
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