"O mundo on-line espelha o mundo off-line" Um estudo sobre a evolução da Internet na última década, publicado pelo Pew Institute, admite que os americanos trazem para a Internet as actividades, os interesses e os comportamentos que os preocupavam antes de a Web existir. O mesmo estudo revela ainda números curiosos: «On a typical day at the end of 2004, some 70 million American adults logged onto the Internet to use email, get news, access government information, check out health and medical information, participate in auctions, book travel reservations, research their genealogy, gamble, seek out romantic partners, and engage in countless other activities. That represents a 37 percent increase from the 51 million Americans who were online on an average day in 2000 when the Pew Internet & American Life Project began its study of online life.»
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