Manifesto sobre o Jornalismo Não à objectividade, sim à integridade G. Pascal Zachary, um jornalista veterano, com mais de 25 nos de profissão, nomeadamente na revista Time e no Wall Street Journal, acaba de publicar "A Journalism Manifesto" que merece ser lido. Põe em causa os fundamentos do "jornalismo mainstream", assentes na ideia de equilíbrio e objectividade, defendendo, em contrapartida, como ideais da profissão a "integridade" e a transparência. "Declarem a vossa agenda. Todos têm uma", aconselha. Alguns excertos:
"(...) The internet demolished the journalism herd, driving holes into the fraternity's defenses and exposing most journalists as poorly prepared, fearful of making grievous errors and reading from a brief and superficial script. Blogs and other forms of "citizen" journalism can never replace the breadth and quality of professional journalism, but the immediate effect of this torrent reportage has been to destroy the credibility of mainstream journalism. A revolution in journalism is underway and its outcome is not even in view. For a long time the causalities will mount. Journalism's "big dogs" will suffer even as they maintain the enormous influence. (...) Change is needed, now. It is already clear that a new journalism ethos is required, a new way of thinking and acting that acknowledges the criticisms from the Left and the Right while at the same time presenting a powerful new rationale for journalistic professionalism and independence. (...) Journalists are human beings first, not special creatures that are above the normal loyalties of life. Journalists should be subject to all the normal constraints of ordinary citizens. They should benefit from all the normal freedoms of ordinary citizens. If these freedoms are not enough to support an informed and energetic journalism, then the normal standards for all citizens must be raised. For too long journalists have asked for and received special treatment -- notably from government and from their sources. Professional journalism cannot rest on special privileges but on superior performance".
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