Não é surpreendente, mas é significativo: "World and America watching different wars. CNN vs. Al Jazeera: Seeing is often believing": "(...) The gruesome video shown Sunday on Al Jazeera - reaching 35 million Arab-speakers worldwide, including about 20 percent of the Egyptian population - will probably never be seen by the average American TV viewer. In fact, American audiences are seeing and reading about a different war than the rest of the world. The news coverage in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, reflects and defines the widening perception gap about the motives for this war. Surveys show that an increasing number of Americans believe this is a just war, while most of the world's Arabs and Muslims see it as a war of aggression. Media coverage does not necessarily create these leanings, say analysts, but it works to cement them. "The difference in coverage between the US and the rest of the world helped contribute to the situation that we're in now,'' says Kim Spencer, president of WorldLink TV, a US satellite channel devoted to airing foreign news. "Americans have been unable to see how they're perceived.(...)" Por falar na Al-Jazeera, este canal abriu hoje a sua versão em inglês, "temporary site dedicated to special coverage of Iraq" (via E-Media Tidbits). Talvez pela saturação na procura, tem estado difícil conseguir acesso ao site. ACTUALIZAÇÃO: Segundo o Washington Post, o problema com o acesso ao site em inglês da Al-Jazeera tem que ver com um ataque de hackers, de que terá sido vítima: "Hackers attacked the Web site of Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera on Tuesday, rendering it intermittently unavailable, the site's host said"
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