Há, recém-publicada, uma Declaração sobre a Democracia Digital, surgida nos Estados Unidos, no quadro do Center for Digital Democracy. "Choice. Competition. Diversity. Equal Opportunity. Free Expression. Equitable Access. Self-Determination. These are among the basic values that must govern our communications systems in the digital age. The digital media environment must accommodate a competitive array of commercial and noncommercial services that meet citizen and community needs, reflect our diverse society, and ensure that all of us share in the abundance that the digital revolution has brought forth (...)".. São dez os tópicos, tal como os mandamentos: - Right to "Open Access" to the Internet - Right to unrestricted communication - Right to robust community networks - Right to a "Digital Television Dividend" - Right to online privacy - Right to a "Spectrum Commons" - Right to unshackled hardware - Right to unfettered sof - Right to a "Dot-Commons" - Right to digital universal service.
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