Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa - 3 de Maio "Every year, May 3rd is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession" "According to the professional organizations, of the 523 journalists killed between 1992 and 2002, 374 were intentionally murdered: 128 for their political opinions, 67 for having exposed corruption, and 179 because they were in conflict areas but were killed despite having identified themselves as reporters". (UNESCO) Recursos disponíveis: - UNESCO: Unpunished Crimes against Journalists: A strategy for Reducing Impunity; Unpunished Crimes Against Journalists; Israeli Journalist Amira Hass Awarded World Press Freedom Prize 2003. - A Organização Mundial de Jornais disponibiliza um dossier que compreende: a) Uma listagem de jornalistas mortos em 2002 por causa do exercício da profissão; b) uma listagem daqueles que se encontram presos, por países; c) diversos cartoons alusivos ao Dia; d) Infográficos e cartazes; e) cerca de uma dezena de textos de apoio - O Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1981. We promote press freedom worldwide by defending the right of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. Publicações do World Press Freedom Committee: - Livro de Leonard R. Sussman (2001), Press Freedom in Our Genes: A Human Need. 228 pages. "The book traces the struggle for freedom of expression and of the press from the earliest communication efforts by cave artists to today’s cyberspace news transmission". - José Ramos Horta (2000), Up From the Ashes: Building Democracy and a Free Press in East Timor. 27 pages. Discurso nas Harold W. Andersen Lecture Series, Nov. 1, 2000.
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