A televisão ganhou a "guerra" da cobertura da guerra no Iraque por uma larga margem, mesmo em áreas em que os jornais pensavam poder ter vantagem, segundo um estudo cujos resultados acabam de ser apresentados na convenção de Seattle na Newspaper Association of America. De acordo com a Edtor & Publisher, "Readers rated the performance of television news during the Iraq war as the best news media in many areas. TV news was described as the media that was most complete, most accurate, most engaging, and that offered the best experts and greatest variety of viewpoints. Television's news triumph was among several preliminary conclusions from the study, which surveyed 1,550 people in 100 markets that were part of RI's mammoth Impact study of readership begun in 2000. The study was planned before the war to test how readership was affected by a big event. Perhaps the most surprising result was that people who were already "moderate" or "heavy" newspaper readers did not pick up a paper more frequently, spend more time reading it, or read more of the paper -- the three factors that make up the RBS, or Reader Behavior Score, which RI measures on a scale of 1 to 7". (Uma apresentação dos resultados deste estudo, bem como os questionários que lhe estiveram na origem, podem ser consultados aqui).
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