Recomendo a leitura de "The FCC, Weblogs, and Inequality", no qual Clay Shirky não deixa de pôr alguma água na fervura das reacções à decisão da FCC de facilitar a concentração dos media. Ao fim e ao cabo, no essencial, chama a atenção para o facto de a desigualdade ser inerente aos media. E, neste contexto, sublinha o papel dos blogs, em termos que eu diria quase eufóricos: "Weblogs are the freest media the world has ever known. Within the universe of internet users, the costs of setting up a weblog are minor, and perhaps more importantly, require no financial investment, only time, thus greatly weakening the "freedom of the press for those who can afford one" effect. Furthermore, there is no Weblog Central -- you do not need to incorporate your weblog, you do not need to register your weblog, you do not need to clear your posts with anyone. Weblogs are the best attempt we've seen to date of making freedom of speech and freedom of the press the same freedom, in Mike Godwin's famous phrase."
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