FCC vista por um ex É interessante ler a entrevista que o ex-presidente (democrata) da Federal Communications Commission (FCC) norte-americana dá á revista Mother Jones e às recentes medidas que facilitam a concentração dos media. Registo um pormenor que até nem tem directamente a ver com o foco principal da entrevista: "I would like to have the FCC say things that are true. Let me give examples. This FCC says that the Internet completely and totally transforms the media landscape. In any given week, Americans spend in total ten times more time looking at the TV screen for news than looking at the PC screen. Point number two: Think about how many people are hired by web portal companies to do investigative journalism. Would the number be greater than zero? Point number three: Think about how many people are hired by web portals even to write news. Would the number be greater than zero?"
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