Pela primeira vez um blogger figura na lista de "The Media Guardian 100", uma lista que, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, destaca as principais figuras no campo mediático no Reino Unido, utilizando critérios como projecção cultural, peso económico e influência política. Desta vez, o director geral da BBC, Greg Dyke, suplantou Rupert Murdoch, no juízo de um painel de analistas dos media ligados ao jornalismo, política, publicidade e internet. Na lista dos "cem mais", o blogger anónimo figura em 94ª posição. A decisão de incluir o fenómeno dos bloggers é justificado do seguinte modo:
"Only in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and the ensuing "war on terror" did blogging come into its own and become a unique news source for millions of web users across the globe. There are now an estimated one million bloggers at work. They record everything from the mundane routines of every day life ("cleaned my room, now I feel tired, I always feel tired after cleaning") to world-changing events such as the conflict in Iraq as recorded through the eyes of the famous "Baghdad Blogger". Writing under the pseudonym Salam Pax, the Baghdad Blogger scooped western news networks time and again by simply sitting in his front room and recording how the conflict affected his family and friends. Within days his account was being read by a daily audience of 20,000 people. Web-logging came of age when Pyra - the company that had enabled the phenomenal growth of blogging - was snapped up by Google at the beginning of this year. So-called "old media" have reacted to the rise of blogging with bemusement, unsure whether to treat it as a threat to already dwindling audiences or a potential source of news stories? Do bloggers add clarity to a situation, or do they serve only to only confuse it further? And - a subject closer to some hacks' hearts - why the hell are these people writing for free, anyway? It all depends on the blogger. But underestimate their power at your peril. Just ask former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines, who was eventually hounded out of office by bloggers after the Jayson Blair plagiarism case."(A lista dos dez primeiros pode ser consultada aqui).
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