"Web based communities 2004" Vai ter lugar em Lisboa, em 25 e 26 de Março do próximo ano a "Web based communities 2004", promovida pela International Association ofor Development of Information Society. Os tópicos sugeridos para apresentações encontram-se explicitados aqui e o calendário aqui. De entre os objectivos, esta conferência "(...) aims at sharing and aggregating scientifically proven methods on how to organize and moderate WWW-based communities. These communities do not limit participants to particular locations - the international and multicultural dimension is a most challenging one. Good WWW communities undergo a continuous evolution and adapt to the changing world. The nature of these communities can be corporate, scientific, social or educational. Pragmatic questions which need to be addressed include: What software tools are the most adequate and how to use them? How to promote your community so that new members can find it? How to protect the members' privacy? How to moderate discussions and how to provide information that people can use? How to create and maintain a sense of trust and commitment among the members? In addition, sociology, education, communication and philosophy issues are addressed as the main disciplines reflected in building WWW-based communities, although critical theories on societies and post-modernism are also relevant starting points. New and imminent technologies will be discussed."
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