As notícias apenas através dos blogues A experiência é relatada por Steve Outing no Poynter Online: um blogger - Steve Rubel, do Micro Persuasion - decidiu privar-se durante uma semana do acesso a qualquer meio "tradicional" de informação e limitar-se exclusivamente à blogosfera para se informar sobre o que estava a passar-se no seu país e no mundo. Algumas conclusões a que chegou:
"- Some news travels very quickly in the blog world. (...) - Yet, many blogs tend to be about a day behind in discussing news stories. (...) - Some of the blog aggregation sites -- Blogdex, Technorati, Memeorandum, Daypop, Popdex -- are very good at keeping you up to date. (...) - Rubel felt that, on the whole, he got a more liberal than conservative slant on the news from reading a wide variety of blogs. (...) - The world of news-related blogs is largely very professional. Many blog sites are well-designed, well-written, and well-edited. (...) - There's not a great deal of innovation in terms of storytelling technique. We're still talking about text and a few static images, mostly. (...".
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