Política e media Jürgen Krönig, editor do jornal Die Zeit no Reino Unido, escreve hoje no The Guardian sobre aquilo que considera ser uma crise de qualidade nos media, causada pela luta por audiências. "The appeal to the lowest common denominator is shaping the content of TV and popular culture more than ever. For programmes to be successful, they have to promise to be ever more outrageous - explicit sex, exhibitionism, violence and voyeurism have become their vital ingredients". O populismo não se circunscreve aos programas de entretenimento, chegando também à informação política: "A lot of modern political journalism ignores context and complexity, presenting everything in black and white, while the nature of politics most of the time is a balancing act between contradictory interests and demands. No surprise, then, that politicians are losing control over the political agenda. (...) All this has contributed to change democratic politics for the worse. The electorate has become hostile and distrustful of the media and politicians alike".
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