Notícias online: entre o potencial e o real A mais recente edição do ?Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication? (vol. 9, n.4, de Julho deste ano) publica o artigo ?Online News Production in Flanders: How Flemish Online Journalists Perceive and Explore the Internet's Potential?, da autoria de Steve Paulussen, da Universidade de Ghent (Bélgica). A principal conclusão é a de que existe um desfasamento entre o potencial percebido e o uso efectivo das mais-valias da Internet na produção digital das notícias. Aqui ficam alguns tópicos do resumo: ?This study examines how online journalists take advantage of the 'added values' of the Internet: interactivity, hypertextuality and multimediality. After a discussion of these key features of online media, the article presents a general profile of online journalists in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) as well as a first understanding of their perceptions of their role. A Web survey was conducted in spring 2001 among 73 Flemish online journalists. The survey results show, among other things, that most respondents believe that the future of online journalism lies in interactivity, hypertext and multimedia. Building on this suggestion, a second study explores the ways in which 20 Flemish news Websites actively use the added values of the Internet. A checklist was developed to analyse the use of the aforementioned Internet-specific facilities by Flemish online media professionals?.
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