IAMCR 2006: Call for papers termina em Janeiro
Já está on-line o site do próximo congresso da IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research - , que se realiza no Cairo, em Julho de 2006. Estão já também abertas as inscrições de comunicações, cujos resumos deverão ser enviados até 15 de Janeiro próximo.
O tema da conferência, "Knowledge Societies for All: Media & Communication Strategies", é, na opinião da presidente da associação - Robin Mansell, oportuno, interessante e provocativo. «It is timely because we know that many are still excluded from modern conceptions of knowledge societies, however defined. It is interesting because we are witnessing substantial growth in the numbers of researchers and practitioners who are concerned about the role of the media and the way older and newer information and communication technologies are becoming integrated in some people?s lives. It is provocative because the kinds of knowledge societies that are being fostered today are contested and they are not yet inclusive of all.»
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