Estudo sobre a representação da deficiência na TV
A entidade reguladora dos media britânicos divulgou hoje um estudo sobre "The representation and portrayal of people with disabilities on analogue terrestrial television - Content analysis research report". O estudo resulta de uma análise qualitativa que incidiu sobre uma amostra de programas emitos pelos canais hertzianos ao longo do ano de 2004.
Para os interessados: os autores distinguem entre frequência e natureza da representação, considerando as dimensões seguintes:
- " the proportion of programming that includes representations of people with disabilities;
- the number and proportion of people with disabilities represented on television;
- variation in the representation of people with disabilities across different television genres;
- whether people with disabilities are represented in major, minor or incidental roles;
- the types of disability (sensory, mobility, physical, mental) portrayed in the programmes in which people (or characters) with disabilities are represented;
- the occupational roles in which people with disabilities are represented on television;
- the relevance of disability to the roles in which people with disabilities are represented on television;
- the type of role in which people with disabilities represented on television are portrayed; and
- whether sampled programmes representing people with disabilities were produced in the UK or the USA or elsewhere".
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