Uso da Internet cresce mais do que os restantes media
O consumo de Internet está a crecser na Europa a um ritmo superior ao de qualquer outro meio, de acordo com um estudo que a Associação Europeia de Publicidade Interactiva acaba de publicar. De acordo com os dados apurados, relativos a nove países da UE mais a Noruega, 24 por cento dos europeus navegam por semana cerca de 16 horas, estando a média nas 10 horas e 15 minutos. São variadas as actividades de uso da Internet, sendo que 10 por cento dos inquiridos referem expressamente blogs, podcasts e chamadas telefónicas fia VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
Eis o resumo das conclusões do estudo:
- "Internet use growing faster than other media with the number of internet users going online 5 or more days per week increasing from 51% to 69%.
- European consumers are spending increasing amounts of time online with the average European internet user now spending over 10 hours online each week
- Increasing to 13 hours for 16-24s
- Internet is the second most dominant medium in media mix from 10am
- Young Europeans are driving internet usage forward with more than three quarters of 16-24 year olds going online in a typical week.
- The level of media-meshing, i.e. using more than one media at a time, amongst Europeans is set to grow, but consumers are more focused while online compared with other media
- Europeans surf a wide variety of websites ? from e-commerce to local information to online gaming
- Europe is embracing new internet activities - 1 in 10 regularly contribute to on-line blogs, podcast and make telephone calls via VOIP - and internet users are becoming more sophisticated
- There are high levels of internet usage in France, with all countries showing a significant increase through 2003 and 2004.
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