Imprensa em transição Ainda sobre o futuro da imprensa, é possível ler um interessante artigo de Joseph Epstein na edição de Janeiro da revista Commentary, intitulado "Are Newspapers Doomed?" (Dica: Romenesko). Aqui fica um excerto:
"The time of transition we are currently going through, with the interest in traditional newspapers beginning to fade and news on the computer still a vast confusion, can be likened to a great city banishing horses from its streets before anyone has yet perfected the automobile. (...) Nevertheless, if I had to prophesy, my guess would be that newspapers will hobble along, getting ever more desperate and ever more vulgar. More of them will attempt the complicated mental acrobatic of further dumbing down while straining to keep up, relentlessly exerting themselves to sustain the mighty cataract of inessential information that threatens to drown us all. Those of us who grew up with newspapers will continue to read them, with ever less trust and interest, while younger readers, soon enough grown into middle age, will ignore them."
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