Papel de jornal vs. tecnologias digitais Quando tanto se fala de RSS, wireless, e tantas outras maravilhas do digital aplicadas aos meios de comunicação, será que um mero jornal - sim, o tradicional e, para alguns, obsoleto jornal impresso em papel - ainda tem algo para oferecer ao mundo? Fred Grimm, do Miami Herald, acredita que sim e, em "Wireless and reliable - and no batteries", com algum humor, apresenta algumas vantagens da imprensa convencional face aos meios digitais:
"Marvel at our paper-thin technology -- each page 40 times skinnier than an iPod Nano. Take it anywhere. Take it to the bathroom. To bed. On an airplane. When the flight attendants hustle through the cabin shutting down Blackberrys, Razrs, Vaios, Shuffles and Palm Pilots, your Miami Herald keeps on working. (...) For a quarter or two, our reporters ran out to plane crashes on your behalf. We talked to crime victims. We nabbed lying politicians. We hounded state officials who treated foster kids like livestock. We sent reporters wading through the flood waters in New Orleans, driving into hurricane winds in Florida. Our reporters got shot at in Iraq. And mugged in Pompano Beach. If someone just now invented a device that managed all this for a couple of quarters, they'd be hailed as a genius. They'd be plastered across the cover of Wired magazine."
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