Sugestão de Jay Rosen Concurso de bloggers para o Washington Post Depois da demissão do blogger conservador contratado pelo Washington Post, pressionado após se ter descoberto uma prática de plagio, Jay Rosen, do PressThink, vem propor um novo caminho ao diário norte-americano. Segundo o blogger e professor da Universidade de Nova Iorque poderia ser uma via que "would be more in keeping with the reputation the should have for being the most innovative newspaper site around - and the most open to emerging voices who are challenging the press". Que via seria essa? "An open competition on the Web to be the next political blogger at, but instead of hiring one 'red state' person and leaving it at that (a strategic error in my opinion) Brady should say that three slots will be filled over the coming year. One from column right, one from column left, and a third voice that is definitely neither of those, which could mean libertarian? or not. When I say open I mean open: anyone can apply. But experience as a political blogger counts. You have to be an original linker and be able to think for yourself. Finalists and semi-finalists get named. There's a week's try-out period for the final few and a big bake off at the end - all with comments enabled. The competition would generate high interest online, and give the winning bloggers a great introduction".
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