O Sindicato dos Jornalistas acaba de pronunciar-se contra o ataque das forças anglo-americanas à Televisão do Iraque, considerando que um órgão de comunicação "deve ser considerado neutro, como a Cruz Vermelha e os hospitais". Por isso, "espera do Governo português uma inequívoca tomada de posição exigindo aos EUA e à Grã-Bretanha o respeito pela segurança dos profissionais de informação e pelas mais elementares regras da liberdade de expressão”. A este propósito, merece leitura um texto de opinião bastante áspero, de Maureen Dowd - "Take Down Saddam TV" - acerca do modo como a guerra tem sido conduzida pelos norte-americanos: "(...) With sandstorms blackening their TV screens, with P.O.W.'s and casualties tearing at their hearts, Americans are coming to grips with the triptych of bold transformation experiments that are now in play. (...) The administration was afraid that with too many Iraqis dead, we would lose the support of the world. But some generals worry that by avoiding tactics that could kill Iraqi civilians and "baby-talking" the Iraqi military, we have emboldened the enemy and endangered American troops. (...) American war planners were privately experiencing some shock and awe at Iraqi obliviousness to shock and awe, which we can see on TV, as Iraqis crowd into restaurants and onto roofs to watch the bombing. Miscalculating, the Pentagon delayed trying to take down Iraqi TV until last night because it hoped to use the network after the war. But that target should have been one of the first so the Iraqis could not have peddled their propaganda, paraded our P.O.W.'s and shown brazen speeches by Saddam, or Stepford-Saddam, and the mockery of Iraqi officials over the predictions of a quick victory."
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