Dan Gillmor, de Inside SiliconValley.com, está a escrever um livro intitulado "Making the News", que pretende explorar a interacção entre jornalismo e tecnologia. A novidade - para a qual o Ponto Media chamou ontem a atenção - é que acaba de lançar o desafio aos seus leitores para que participem no processo de produção da obra. A ideia de base de Gillmor é a de que "today's (and tomorrow's) communications tools are turning traditional notions of news and journalism in new directions. These tools give us the ability to take advantage, in the best sense of the word, of the fact that our collective knowledge and wisdom greatly exceeds any one person’s grasp of almost any subject. We can, and must, use that reality to our mutual advantage". O livro tem quatro partes, cada uma delas já com um guião elaborado, sobre o qual Gillmor pede contributos: "Part I sets the stage. This section introduces the phenomenon, then shows how it happened and why it matters so much to all of us. Part II explains, in detail, the impact on and possibilities for the three major constituencies: subjects/sources, the wider journalism audience and professional journalists. This section will also look further into the future, offering informed speculation on what the journalistic world might look like in 50, as opposed to 10, years from now. Part III explores the complexities and threats: trust, credibility, legal questions, potential resistance by governments, Hollywood's efforts to control technology, etc. The section ends on an optimistic note. Part IV is a users' guide, a how-to for people who want to be more active participants".
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