Em muitos países europeus foi notícia o facto de os media "mainstream" dos EUA terem adoptado uma atitude e uma prática excessivamente "patrióticas" na cobertura da guerra. No entanto, para muitos norte-americanos esses media não terão sido suficientemente "patrióticos", a avaliar, por exemplo, pelo que escreve David Shaw (que se reporta ao período pós 11 de Setembro de 2001), na sua coluna do Los Angeles Times: "Over the past 18 months or so, I've received more complaints from readers about "unpatriotic" news coverage than any other issue. (...) In recent weeks, accusations that journalists are traitors have become even more frequent -- and more virulent. They've greeted virtually any story on civilian casualties in Iraq, any photograph of antiwar protesters, any question about the Pentagon's war strategy, any coverage anywhere that challenged the military's sunny appraisals of the progress of the war". Por sua vez, no diário The Guardian, o texto "Taking sides", de David Miller: "The anti-war movement accuses the BBC of having had a pro-war bias; the government says it was too Baghdad-friendly. So who is right?".
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