"Um fantasma na máquina dos media" Jay Rosen, professor da Universidade de Nova Iorque e um dos mais destcados estudiosos e entusiastas do jornalismo de proximidade ( também adjectivado comunitário, cívico, colaborativo...), criou um blog que vale a pena seguir com atenção. Chama-se PressThink e traz por subtítulo "Ghost of democracy in the media machine". Eis como o autor apresenta este seu espaço na web: "I am a press critic, an observer of journalism’s habits, and also a writer trying to make sense of the world. I am interested in the ideas about journalism that journalists work within, and those they feel they can work without. I try to discover the consequences in the world that result from having the kind of press we do. I call this blog PressThink because that’s the kind of work I do. The title points to forms of thought that identify “journalism” to itself— but also to the habit of not thinking about certain things. The subatomic force that holds the pack of reporters together as they swarm around a story, there’s an example of pressthink. Without it there could be no pack; the pieces would come flying apart. There is a strange energy there, holding smart people to dumb practices."
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