A campanha de Howard Dean tem sido frequentemente apontada como um caso exemplar de utilização da Internet como instrumento de comunicação. O candidato a candidato democrata tem agora um feed RSS disponível (esta linguagem terá, acredito, muito a dizer no futuro) chamado Channel Dean. Jay Rosen, publicou no Press Think um conjunto de textos sobre o tema: But in the meantime, here are six longish, detailed posts on a single theme: how to understand the Dean movement and its challenge to orthodoxy in presidential politics, including recommendations for the press and an analysis of journalism's ocassional cluelessness. PressThink does not endorse candidates. But intellectually, I do endorse what the Dean campaign has been about in the part of it that is reaching out through the Internet to find new connecting points between people and campaigns for president. That deserves serious attention from anyone who cares about democratic politics-- pro, amateur, partisan, citizen.
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