Concentração dos media e jornalismo participativo Disrupting the News Industry: Media Concentration and Participatory Journalism é o tema de um debate a realizar sexta-feira na Universidade da Califórinia, em Berkeley, promovido pela sua escola de Jornalismo e pelo Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, a partir das 10.30 (hora local) . A iniciativa é difundida em tempo real na web (exige-se acesso via cabo ou ADSL e QuickTime) e nela tomam parte: - Neil Chase, managing editor of CBS MarketWatch - Vin Crosbie of Digital Deliverance LLC media consulting firm - Dan Gillmor, columnist for the San Jose Mercury News and author of the forthcoming book "Making the News" - Ken Sands, managing editor of online and new media at The Spokane Spokesman-Review - Bob Magnuson, lecturer at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and former CEO of InfoWorld (moderador) (Lido em PJNet)
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