Weblogs nas escolas Pode ler-se hoje no The New York Times (registo gratuito) um artigo sobre algumas experiências de utilização de weblogs em ambiente escolar. Alguns professores estão encantados com as potencialidades desta ferramenta: "In the blogs, students write about how they attacked a tough math problem, post observations about their science experiments or display their latest art projects. For teachers, blogs are attractive because they require little effort to maintain, unlike more elaborate classroom Web sites, which were once heralded as a boon for teaching. (...) Teachers who use blogs say that students put a lot more thought and effort into their blog writing, knowing that parents and others may read their work on the Web". Mas há também quem chame a atenção para alguns aspectos negativos associados à utilização dos weblogs nas aulas: "One of the goals of classroom blogs, advocates say, is to get students to write more often. Even so, according to the time stamps on classroom blogs, they are most heavily used during the school day. Few entries seem to come after school hours, and some teachers who have tried to keep their blogs going during the summer say they have been disappointed by the results. (...) Critics also worry that the casual nature of writing on the Web may encourage bad habits that are hard to break, like e-mail-style abbreviations, bad grammar and poor spelling".
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