A Medill School of Journalism em colaboração com a Online News Association acaba de tornar públicos os resultados do estudo "The Roles of Journalists in Online Newsrooms", coordenado por C. Max Magee. Realizado através de inquérito junto de 438 pessoas que trabalham em redacções online, o estudo propõe-se "definir as competências e ccaracterísticas necessárias às redacções digitais". Um resumo das conclusões:
"The picture that emerges from this study is of journalists who must be well-versed in many aspects of journalism and technology, rather than experts in one or two types of tasks. For online journalists and their managers, this report will provide a look at the current state of their industry. For future online journalists, this report will give an idea of which skills are needed to work at an existing news Web site (or to start their own). And for educators, it may help in developing the appropriate curriculum to prepare people to work in this field".
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