Mapeando e vencendo o fosso digital Acaba de sair e está disponível na web: Charting and Bridging Digital Divides: Comparing Socio-economic, Gender, Life Stage, and Rural-Urban Internet Access and Use in Eight Countries, da autoria de Wenhong Chen e Barry Wellman, do NetLab Centre for Urban and Community Studies, da Universidade de Toronto, para o AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board (GCAB). Os seis países estudados são os EUA, Japão, Coreia, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Itália, China e México. Uma nota de apresentação em The Inquirer: "The study claims only 10 percent of the global population are online, with 90 percent of Internet users from developed countries, a third of them coming from the US. The study also claims that the digital divide is narrowing in the US, but other countries suffer from other types of digital divides, including gender and age divides."
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