Cimeira em Londres: Por uma melhor comunicação à escala global
Criar uma melhor comunicação à escala global, em que todos sejam capazes não apenas de falar, mas também de escutar é o espírito da Global Voices London Summit que decorre hoje, na sede londrina da Reuters, reunindo sobretudo bloggers, jornalistas e outros "que se preocupam com o que significa para os media, a geopolítica e a sociedade o facto de o mundo começar a expressar-se online".
Haverá, a partir das 10 horas, um webcast que permitirá acompanhar as sessões em directo. De destacar a sessão da tarde, a partir das 14.30, sobre o tema "O que faz uma blogosfera bem sucedida". Um blogue especial acompanhará igualmente o desenrolar dos trabalgos.
Recorde-se que o blogue de Global Voices acaba de receber o prémio de melhor blogue jornalístico em língua inglesa, atribuido pela Deutsche Welle International Blogs Awards.
Global Voices Online nasceu no ano passado num workshop da conferência Votes Bits & Bytes na Harvard Law School (cf. "International Bloggers Start Connecting the Dots". Foi de lá que saiu uma declaração de princípios orientadores da Global Voices, que se transcreve:
"We believe in free speech: in protecting the right to speak - and the right to listen. We believe in universal access to the tools of speech.
To that end, we seek to enable everyone who wants to speak to have the means to speak - and everyone who wants to hear that speech, the means to listen to it.
Thanks to new tools, speech need no longer be controlled by those who own the means of publishing and distribution, or by governments that would restrict thought and communication. Now, anyone can wield the power of the press. Everyone can tell their stories to the world.
We seek to build bridges across the gulfs that divide people, so as to understand each other more fully. We seek to work together more effectively, and act more powerfully.
We believe in the power of direct connection. The bond between individuals from different worlds is personal, political and powerful. We believe conversation across boundaries is essential to a future that is free, fair, prosperous and sustainable - for all citizens of this planet. While we continue to work and speak as individuals, we also seek to identify and promote our shared interests and goals. We pledge to respect, assist, teach, learn from, and listen to one other.
We are Global Voices".
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